A Welcome to the Wary

(2/22/13) Don't forget to sign up for Google Offers! 555 NX Award!

How To: Surveys


Surveys have long been the standard price to pay in order to get free stuff. Websites maximize on this now by offering huge rewards in return for completing surveys. Of course, the huge rewards are still nearly impossible.

What Really Happens
Doing surveys for NX seldomly pan out. With these, you will usually fill out a 'test' survey in which you provide your demographic and contact information. More often than not, upon completion you will see this:
"Sorry, there are no available surveys for you at this time."

And so after having wasted 5-10 minutes on why your life sucks, you can conclude that:

- The sponsor has taken your demographic information and a quick survey on your product usage.
- If you gave them your e-mail address, they can now sell your information to advertisers.
- You won't receive NX, but you will start receiving spam e-mail.

So how do you avoid this?

The Lowdown:

There's no actual way of avoiding the spam, however the sponsors DO sometimes allow you in for a survey. There are ways for you to raise your chances of getting into a survey, however your chances still remain slim.

The Basics:

Here are some basic guidelines that you should follow in order to raise your chances of getting into a survey opportunity:
- Use consistent answers.
Make sure you use the same response between surveys, and match the information you used when registering your initial account with Nexon. This information is shared between Nexon and their sponsors in order to deter fake survey information. If you need to, keep a paper with some of your answers so you know which one to select for the next survey opportunity.
- Stretch the truth.
Surveys target certain demographics. Primarily they are searching for Caucasian males in their early twenties who use many products and are familiar with a wide range of products, brands and whatnot. They are a prime source of money for advertisers and businesses, so their opinion is more highly valued. Make sure that you stretch the truth a little about your knowledge and usage of goods. Don't lie though, because that will also disqualify you.